
Payment Methods

This page contains the list of available payment methods at Datatrans. Check this page to see the specifics of each payment method and the available acquirers. Refer to our page Testing Credentials if you are looking for testing information.


Interested in adding new payment methods to your setup? Contact us!

Get in touch with us today and we'll make sure to advise you accordingly. Send us a message anytime by using this link.

Credit & debit cards

Credit & debit cards are the most popular payment methods for online payments through Datatrans. We support all international card brands, including MasterCard, Visa, and American Express.



ECAPlanet, Card Complete, Chase Paymentech, Clearhaus, Concardis, Elavon, European Merchant Services, EVO Payments, Fiserv, hobex, Ingenico, Logpay, Lloyds Bank Cardnet, Nets, Payone, Société Générale, Worldline, Worldpay


VISPlanet, Card Complete, Chase Paymentech, Clearhaus, Concardis, Elavon, European Merchant Services, EVO Payments, Fiserv, hobex, Ingenico, Logpay, Lloyds Bank Cardnet, Nets, Payone, Société Générale, Worldline, Worldpay

American Express

AMXAmerican Express International, Swisscard AECS, Logpay

China Union Pay

CUPPlanet, Concardis, Worldline

Diners Club

DINPlanet, DC Bank, Elavon, Ingenico, LogPay, Worldline


DISPlanet, DC Bank, Elavon, Ingenico, Worldline


JCBPlanet, Card Complete, LogPay, Payone, Worldline


MAUCard Complete, Concardis, Elavon, European Merchant Services, Ingenico, Payone, Société Générale, Worldline, Worldpay


Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel✔️ Secure Fields
✔️ Tokenization✔️ Authorize API
✔️ Fast Checkouts
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions
✔️ Register & Pay
✔️ Register only

Loyalty & gift cards

While the loyalty or gift cards below are not credit or debit cards, we process them in a very similar way than card payments.


Gift Cards





Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel✔️ Authorize API
✔️ Tokenization
✔️ Fast Checkouts
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions
✔️ Register & Pay


Alipay+ is Alipay's payment solution that allows users to pay conveniently within apps and websites. Consumers have to scan a QR code to conclude their payment.



ALPPlanet, Worldline
Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Refund✔️ Redirect & Lightbox

Amazon Pay

Amazon Pay is a wallet solution provided by Amazon, which offers wallet payment transactions that are supported by Amazon's fraud and risk management. Customers log in to their Amazon account and use any of the payment methods available in their account.


Additional setup required

To allow Amazon Pay payments through Datatrans, you need to authorize us to make delegate calls. To find out how to authorize Datatrans as a third-party provider please contact your account manager at Amazon or consult the Amazon Pay Documentation.

You will be required to deliver two values: Our developer name Datatrans and
our developer ID 401165616950.

Once you have authorized Datatrans, you need send the following values to your point of contact at Datatrans to finalize your setup: Amazon Merchant ID, Amazon Client ID, MWS Authorisation Token, Amazon Region.


Amazon Pay

AZPAmazon Pay
Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund
✔️ Cancel
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions

Apple Pay

Apple Pay is the payment method of Apple. Your customers can use Apple Pay to pay for online transactions using any Apple device supporting Apple Pay. As of iOS 16, Apple Pay works with non-Safari browsers (Desktop non-Safari browsers currently do not support Apple Pay). Refer to our payment button integration for a button integration on your website. Any Apple Pay transaction is processed as a card transaction. In other words: The saved card in your customer's Apple Pay wallet will be processed by your configured credit or debit card acquirers.


Dankort support added for Apple Pay!

We just added the option to process Dankort payments via Apple Pay. Please contact us if you are interested in processing Dankort payments via Apple Pay.


Important note on Apple Pay

Please note that we do not support Apple Pay through our Lightbox due to security restrictions. Apple Pay is only supported on our domain. You will have to use redirects if you wish to use Apple Pay on our payment pages.

You need to specify at least another payment method that can be configured in your Apple Pay wallet (eg. Mastercard or Visa) in your init request to proceed with Apple Pay payments through our Redirect integration.

Please also note that you will have to use a device with Apple Pay correctly set up and Safari to complete a purchase with Apple Pay. If testing through another browser, you may not see the Apple Pay button anymore.


Apple Pay

APLAny listed credit card acquirer
Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement⚠️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel✔️ Payment Button
✔️ Tokenization
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions
✔️ Register & Pay
✔️ Register only

Apple Pay via Redirect

If you wish to use Apple Pay through our Redirect integration, you will need to accept the Apple Pay Platform Web Merchant Terms and Conditions from your payment methods' settings. Once this is done you can proceed with the activation and specify the name for the Apple Pay payment sheet and your merchant URL.

The integration via redirect is only recommended to merchants not offering the payment method pre-selection in their checkout. Merchants doing the pre-selection in their checkout should integrate Apple Pay via our Payment Button integration. Please contact us if you wish to proceed with the integration of Apple Pay on the payment page.

Apple Pay via Mobile SDK

You will need to follow the steps below to allow Apple Pay transactions via our mobile SDK integration. Please note that a valid Apple developer account will be required.

  • Navigate to the Apple Pay settings in your merchant configuration at Datatrans and open the Payment Processing Certificates options.
  • Click the button Download CSR file.
  • Create a new identifier (Merchant ID) at
  • Create a Certificate (Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate) and select the newly created Merchant ID. Upload the CSR file provided by us and download the certificate.
  • Back in your Datatrans Apple Pay certificate settings, upload your Apple Payment Processing Certificate.

Your newly registered Apple Merchant ID needs to be specified in your project's capabilities in XCode and also when initializing an Apple Pay object. If you do not have access to an active Apple Developer license, you will not be able to add the Apple Pay capability in XCode.


Availabill (previously known as Accarda) offers invoice payments and also the option to pay in installments. Availabill requires additional parameters to be sent in your requests. This includes customer and article information. Please refer to our API reference for more information.



Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Authorize API
✔️ Cancel


CembraPay (previously known as Byjuno) offers invoice payments. CembraPay requires additional parameters to be sent in your requests. This includes customer, shipping, and article information.


Additional parameters required for CembraPay

Additional parameters are required in your requests to successfully process CembraPay transactions. Please reach out to CembraPay to make sure your required parameters are known before proceeding with the integration.



Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel✔️ Authorize API
✔️ Tokenization
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions
✔️ Register only
✔️ Screening

Additional Parameters for CembraPay

Additional parameters are required in your requests to process CembraPay transactions successfully. You may have to provide customer, shipping, and CembraPay specific parameters. Please refer to our API reference for additional values that can be sent within your requests, and reach out to CembraPay to ensure you know what additional parameters you may have to submit within your requests.

You will need to specify at least the customer's details listed below within the object customer:

  • id, gender, firstName, lastName, street, street2, zipCode, city, country, email, phone, birthDate, language, ipAddress, type

Some integrations require you to specify the shipping information within the object shipping:

  • firstName, lastName, street, zipCode, city, country

Some integrations require you to specify further information within the object INT:

  • deviceFingerprintId, customerInfo1


CRIF offers a credit checking platform and address verification service you can use to do pre-screenings. CRIF requires additional parameters to be sent in your requests. This includes customer information. Please refer to our API reference for more information.



Payment ActionIntegration
❌ none✔️ Authorize API


Link cryptocurrency payments to your merchant account at Datatrans with Coinify. By creating Coinify Invoices through our gateway, you can accept payments in cryptocurrencies. Consumers scan a QR code within their crypto wallet to conclude a payment. When the consumer initiates the payment, the value of the transaction is converted and settled instantly in your preferred currency.


Refunds only possible via your merchant dashboard

We do currently not support refunds with Coinify via our refund endpoint. You will have to login to your merchant account to process a refund.



Payment ActionIntegration
⚠️ Refund✔️ Redirect & Lightbox

Sign Up at Coinify

To accept payments via Coinify, you will require a Coinify merchant account. You can signup for a Coinify account by using this link.

As soon as your account is set up and you have been fully approved as a merchant by Coinify, you can start issuing invoices. If you want to accept crypto payments with values higher than 10,000 EUR you will have to go through an additional approval process at Coinify.

Supported Cryptocurrencies

The most popular cryptocurrencies are supported, including BTC, ETH, LTC, BHC, NEO, XRP, and many more. Depending on the transaction amount, more cryptocurrencies will be available for the end customer to select. The full list of accepted cryptocurrencies can be found here.

Coinify API Credentials

In order to let our gateway create Coinify invoices, you will have to share with us three credentials from your account. Send us a password-protected file to [email protected] and the password in a separate e-mail to [email protected].

  • API Key & Password – These values can be found in Integration tools > API keys.
  • Instant Payment Notification Secret – This value can be found in Integration Tools > Online Store > Instant Payment Notification.

Please make sure that your API key contains at least the following permissions:

  • Invoice: Read invoices
  • Invoice: Create new invoices
  • Invoice: Update existing invoices
  • Account: Create refund

Redirect & IPN Settings

To simplify the transaction flow and immediately redirect the consumer to the success page after the QR code has been scanned and the payment initiated by the crypto wallet, you may set the following settings in your Coinify configuration:

Integration Tools > Online Store > Redirect URLs

  • Redirect to success URL on: Payment received
  • Success URL:
  • Cancel URL:

Integration Tools > Online Store > Instant Payment Notification

  • Callback URL:

In case of a successful payment, the consumer will be redirected to the successURL at Datatrans. The transaction will receive the status authorised at Datatrans (Coinify Status: PAID). Once the crypto transaction was confirmed by Coinify, the Datatrans transaction will switch to settled (Coinify Status: COMPLETE) automatically. In case of a time out or cancel request, the consumer will be redirected to the cancelURL at Datatrans.

Over- & Underpayment

During a crypto payment a consumer might overpay or underpay a transaction. For such cases, we include the following information of an over- or underpayment in our webhook to your server:

  • type - normal, underpaid, extra
  • nativeAmount - The amount paid in the submitted currency.
  • nativeCurrency - The submitted currency


EPS processes bank transfers using a PIN and TAN and does not require any registration by your customers. The transfer is completed via your customers' online banking account.



Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Refund✔️ Redirect & Lightbox

Google Pay

Google Pay is the payment method of Google. Your customers can use Google Pay to pay for online transactions using any device supporting Google Pay. In contrast to Apple Pay, Google Pay works with any browser. Refer to our payment button integration for a button integration on your website. Any Google Pay transaction is processed as a card transaction. In other words: The saved card in your customer's Google Pay wallet will be processed by your configured debit or credit card acquirers.


Important note on Google Pay via Redirect or Lightbox

Please note that you need to specify at least another payment method in your init request to proceed with Google Pay payments through our Redirect or Lightbox integration.


Google Pay

PAYAny listed credit card acquirer
Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel✔️ Payment Button
✔️ Tokenization ¹
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions ¹
✔️ Register & Pay ¹
✔️ Register only ¹

¹ Token creation only supported via Redirect, Lightbox and Payment Button. The Mobile SDKs support the creation of a pseudo alias (savedPaymentMethod) to facilitate recurring customer-initiated transactions. However, this pseudo alias cannot be used for charging merchant-initiated transactions.


Giropay processes bank transfers using a PIN and TAN and does not require your customers to register. The transfer is completed via the consumer's online banking account.


End of life - Deactivation in progress

Giropay will no longer be supported as a payment method. This change is due to Paydirekt, the owner of Giropay, deciding to permanently discontinue its service starting immediately. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this transition, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.



Payment ActionIntegration
❌ none✔️ Redirect & Lightbox

Shopping cart type

Additional parameters are required in your requests to successfully process Giropay transactions and ensure consumers benefit from additional features like buyer protection and a money-back guarantee. One mandatory additional field to include is shoppingCartType within the object GPA. The table below specifies additional mandatory parameters for the object shipping, depending on the shopping cart type you submit.

Shopping cart typeDescriptionMandatory fields in shipping
PHYSICALAll goods in the cart are of a physical nature.firstName, lastName, zipCode, city, country
DIGITALAll goods in the cart are of a digital nature.firstName, lastName, email
MIXEDThe cart contains both physical and digital goods.firstName, lastName, zipCode,​ city, country
ANONYMOUS_DONATIONThis is an anonymous donation and not a commercial transaction.none
AUTHORITIES_PAYMENTThis is a payment for local authorities.none


iDEAL is a popular online payment method in the Netherlands, widely used for processing bank transfers between Dutch bank accounts. iDEAL has grown to become the most trusted and preferred payment solution for online transactions among Dutch consumers. All major Dutch banks, including ABN AMRO, ING, Rabobank, and SNS Bank, support the system, ensuring broad accessibility and ease of use for customers.


Reference limited to alphanumeric 35 characters!

Starting July 2024, the merchant reference (passed via parameter refno) submitted to iDEAL will be limited to 35 alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), with any value beyond that being truncated. The reference submitted to Datatrans will remain unchanged, continuing to support its current length and format. However, it is generally advised to keep a length below 20 characters to avoid issues in the future related to other payment methods' limitations.



Payment ActionIntegration
❌ none✔️ Redirect & Lightbox


Klarna is a payment solution that lets you choose your preferred way to conclude your payment during your purchase. You can pay later without any interest or fees or pay in installments.


Additional parameters required for Klarna Tokenization

Klarna only supports the alias creation (registration) during an authorization request. There is currently no option to register payment details with a reservation request only. We support tokenization for Pay Later only. If requested by Klarna, you will also need to supply extra merchant data.


(Pay Later, Financing,



Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement ¹✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund ¹✔️ Authorize API ¹
✔️ Cancel ¹✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Tokenization ¹
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions ¹
✔️ Register & Pay ¹

¹ Only available for Klarna Pay Later, Klarna Financing, and Klarna Instalments.

Klarna Customer Details

Please note that Klarna requires at least the customer's country (country within the object customer) for any authorization request. Klarna's payment page will prompt the user to fill other required details that are required for the purchase if you did not define them. You can enhance your customer's experience by submitting their personal information within your requests.

  • We generally recommend submitting at least the following items in the object customer: firstName, lastName, street, phone, city, zipCode, country, birthDate
  • For digital products, only email within the object customer is additionally required to enhance the checkout flow.
  • For physical products, all customer details except birthDate and phone within the object customer are required to enhance the checkout flow.

Keep in mind that some countries have a currency limitation in place, meaning you will only be able to process Klarna transactions with the country's currency.

Klarna Line Items

To process Klarna payments, you will have to specify your customer's line items within order > articles.

  • For each article, we require at least the following items: quantity, name, price, tax.
  • We recommend submitting Klarna's order_lines type within the article's type.
  • Other possible items available in order > articles are mapped to Klarna's order_lines.

Klarna Extra Merchant Data

In some cases, Klarna may require additional parameters, so-called 'extra merchant data' (EMD), covering additional information about the items to be purchased. This extra information is required for Klarna's risk analyses and some merchant integrations for tokenizations. The required EMD information can be found in the appendix of your contract agreement with Klarna. The following EMD categories are currently supported and nested within the KLN object:

  • accountInfos
  • events
  • hotelReservationDetails
  • trainReservationDetails
  • ferryReservationDetails

More EMD categories are available on request.


MobilePay is a mobile payment application used in Denmark and Finland. Consumers can store their preferred cards in their MobilePay wallet to process payments.


API change required!

To process MobilePay transactions, you will need to call our TransactionGroups APIs. This is almost a 1:1 copy of our Transactions APIs, but has a few changes you need to be aware of - you will need to work with a transactionGroupId instead of a transactionId and you will need to point to a new URL. Read the changes required on your side in this detailed migration guide.


Merchant Logo required for MobilePay

To process MobilePay transactions correctly, you will need to have a logo set in your merchantId configuration. Please login to the merchant dashboard and upload a SVG logo in your merchant settings. Contact us if you require help with the upload.



MBPAny listed credit card acquirer
Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel


PayPal is a payment solution that lets users store funds in a wallet and lets them link a credit card or bank account to transfer money or pay online.


Unique reference required & PayPal Button

To avoid errors, please send a unique reference for each transaction. The reference parameter sent to our systems will be forwarded to PayPal. If you send a refno previously used by another transaction, you may encounter an error.

If you want to integrate PayPal Buttons directly into your checkout, we have a dedicated library to facilitate your integration efforts. Read more here.



Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel✔️ Authorize API
✔️ Tokenization✔️ PayPal Button
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions
✔️ Register Only

PayPal Account Permissions Required

To allow PayPal payments through Datatrans, you will have to grant PayPal permissions to us. Normal Transactions is mandatory. Reference Transactions is only required if you want to process recurring payments with PayPal. The option Reference Transactions has to be activated in your PayPal Business account. Please contact your account manager at PayPal to activate this option for you. This option may not be able to be activated for all accounts at PayPal. Once you have granted the necessary permissions, please share your PayPal merchant e-mail address with our support team.

Normal Transactions:

Reference Transactions:

Multiple partial settlements using a single PayPal transaction

To allow multiple settlements and separate the authorization of specific items with PayPal using the same transactionId, we allow you to use PayPal's Authorize and Capture Payments integration. Please note that the validity of the initial transaction remains only valid as long as PayPal still confirms its validity - this can be checked in the developer's guide of PayPal. We suggest finalizing your settlements as soon as possible. Here's how to allow multiple settlements using a single PayPal transaction:

  • Initialize a PayPal transaction using our init endpoint with the option createOrder = true within the object PAP. This allows you to use the integration of PayPal's Authorize and Capture Payments for the returned transactionId.
  • Let your customer finalize the transaction with PayPal.
  • Create a new transaction using our authorize endpoint and specify the initial transactionId in orderTransactionId within the object PAP.
  • If required, repeat the previous step until you have reached the initial transaction amount.


paysafecard is a prepaid payment method that allows you to make payments online without the use of a bank account or credit card information.


Unique reference required

To avoid errors, please send a unique reference for each transaction. The reference parameter sent to our systems will be forwarded to Paysafe as the parameter mtid (Paysafe's unique identifier for each disposition). If you send a mtid previously used by another transaction, you may encounter an error.



Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Cancel✔️ Mobile SDK


PostFinance offers two payment methods that can be used by any PostFinance bank account owner. Both cards act as a debit payment method.


Option Alias Manager required for Tokenization

If you want to store tokens of PostFinance accounts at Datatrans, you will need to have the option Alias Manager activated in your PostFinance merchant account. Please contact your account manager at PostFinance to activate this option for you. Only PostFinance Card supports account tokenization.


PostFinance Card


PostFinance E-Finance

Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel✔️ Authorize API
✔️ Tokenization
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions
✔️ Register & Pay
✔️ Register Only

Powerpay & Paycard

MF Group provides purchase-by-invoice services across multiple channels, consolidating all unpaid purchases into a single monthly invoice. As a true factoring service, MF Group pays the full purchase amount to the merchant, assuming the default risk if the consumer fails to pay. MF Group offers these services via Powerpay and Paycard. To use Powerpay or Paycard, your requests must include additional parameters, including customer information. Please refer to our API reference for more details.




Powerpay Authorization


Powerpay Credit Check



Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel
✔️ Tokenization ¹

¹ Only available for Powerpay (MFX) through the Mobile SDKs.


Reka is a prepaid payment method. Customers can purchase a Reka card directly from Reka or they will receive a card from their employer. Within the payment method Reka, we also support Reka Rail and Reka Lunch.



Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel✔️ Authorize API
✔️ Tokenization
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions
✔️ Register & Pay
✔️ Register only

Subtype for Reka transactions

Depending on the Reka card type used, the value of subtype in the object REK will be one of the following:

  • REK – Reka Pay
  • RER – Reka Rail
  • REL – Reka Lunch

Samsung Pay

Samsung Pay is a wallet that can be used with modern Samsung devices. Any Samsung Pay transaction is processed as a card transaction. In other words: The saved card in your customer's Samsung Pay wallet will be processed by your configured debit or credit card acquirers.


Samsung Pay

SAMAny listed credit card acquirer
Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel


With SEPA you can process direct debit payments from most German bank accounts. Your customers enter their IBAN to proceed with the payment. Please refer to our API reference for more information.



ELVcreditPass, LogPay
Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Cancel✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Authorize API


Swish is a popular direct debit payment method from Sweden. Swish will require users to open their Swish app to scan a QR code or switch to the app to confirm the payment.



Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Refund✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Mobile SDK


swissbilling offers invoice payments and also the option to pay in installments. swissbilling requires additional parameters to be sent in your requests. This includes customer and article information. Please refer to our API reference for more information.



SWBCembra Pay
Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel✔️ Authorize API

Swisscom Pay

With Swisscom Pay, Swisscom customers can pay for services conveniently via their monthly bill or prepaid credit.


Swisscom Pay

Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel


SwissPass allows you to make various purchases such as train tickets, ski passes, or purchases in railway station shops and charges them directly to your SwissPass account. The invoice payment is processed by MF Group.



Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel✔️ Authorize API
✔️ Tokenization
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions
✔️ Register & Pay


Twint is a direct debit payment method that is either used as a prepaid wallet or is linked to a Swiss bank account.


Important action required for Tokenization

If you want to store tokens of Twint accounts at Datatrans, you will need to have the option User on File activated in your Twint account. Please contact your account manager at your acquiring company to activate this option for you.

Please make sure to upload a logo to your store configuration at Twint. Twint has currently an issue that happens to registrations and recurring payments if you have not specified a logo in your configuration.

Twint requires you to do a dedicated registration to save a Twint token. You will not be able to save a card account if you try to do a payment and registration at the same time. More information on dedicated registrations can be found in the saving payment information section of our docs.



TWIConcardis, Twint, Worldline
Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel✔️ Authorize API
✔️ Tokenization
✔️ Recurring & Subscriptions
✔️ Register Only

TWINT+ (Twint Plus) via Datatrans

Datatrans is capable of processing TWINT+ transactions. Users navigating through the Twint app’s section ‘TWINT+’ will be able to click on your company's or brand's label, which will redirect them to your dedicated Twint+ shop. From there, a user will be able to purchase goods and pay with their Twint account and transactions will be processed by Datatrans. Please note the following:

  • This integration requires additional development effort on your side. You will have to introduce new API flows and also amend some of your merchant settings at Datatrans.
  • You will need to request a Twint+ merchant account by reaching out to [email protected]. Having a Twint merchant account does not mean you are already part of the Twint+ marketplace.

Please contact us if you are interested in processing Twint+ payments via Datatrans. We will be happy to share more details with you and to help you get Twint+ flows within minutes, instead of days of development effort.


Vipps is a popular wallet from Norway. Vipps will require users to enter their phone number on our payment page and confirm the payment on their Vipps mobile application.


Unique Refno & Going Live with Vipps

To avoid errors, please send a unique reference for each transaction. The reference parameter sent to our systems will be forwarded to Vipps. If you send a refno previously used by another transaction, you may encounter an error.

Just like most payment providers, to receive access to Vipps' production environment, you will need to contact us. We will require your organization number, merchant/shop name, MCC code, and logo as a PNG with a resolution of 250x250px.



Payment ActionIntegration
✔️ Deferred Settlement✔️ Redirect & Lightbox
✔️ Refund✔️ Mobile SDK
✔️ Cancel