Documentation - What's New

Our documentation was rewritten, optimized, and released a few moments ago. This page shows you the most relevant questions related to our new documentation and JSON API.

What’s exactly new?

We released our new payment API which is purely based on JSON. Together with our new API, we also refurbished our docs. If you don't know where to start, read the section Payments of the documentation, which describes possible scenarios and flows that you can implement with Datatrans. Our technical integration options are described and explained in the section Integrations.

To put it shortly, this is new in our docs and API:

  • The design and content of the documentation and API reference was enhanced and entirely rewritten.
  • A new token format was released, that allows you to create unique tokens and also delete tokens. Read more here.
  • Our test cards and test card information have been grouped and simplified. You will find it here.
  • A postman collection exists now, that helps you test flows in seconds. Read more here.
  • Our error messages have been simplified. You can check our error messages here.

What are the advantages of the new API?

The new API offers you more security while making a new integration to Datatrans much easier to implement and maintain. To initiate a new payment, you will always have to initiate a transaction first via a secure server to server request. We have also made important changes to support unique card tokens and further measures to support the full scope of 3DS2 as a merchant.

I’m an existing Datatrans merchant. Are there any implications for me?

No. You can still work with the integrations you currently have in place.

Will the old API still be supported in the near future?

Yes, the old API will still be fully supported until further notice. However, we encourage our existing merchants to switch to our new integration methods and API endpoints to profit from its improved capabilities.

Where do I find the old docs / API Reference?

If you are looking for our legacy API docs, please click here. Our legacy API Reference can be found here. We do recommend however to switch to our new integration methods and API endpoints for new solutions.

I have a question that is still unanswered, where can I seek support?

Get in touch with us today and we'll make sure to advise you accordingly. Send us a message by using our contact form any time.