To test a payment with credit card, you may use one of the test cards listed below. Make sure to send an amount within the ranges described on this page to proceed with your desired tests.
Expiration date
Month: 06 (June)
Year: 25 (2025)
Short: 06/25
If you own a test card with an older expiry date, you may simply update the month and year to match the upper numbers to proceed with your tests.
The table below describes the response you will receive, depending on the amount sent to our systems. These ranges can be applied to any test card where a limit is active (Limit=yes).
Lower Limit | Upper Limit | Response |
0 | 90.-- | Transaction authorized |
90.-- | 100.-- | Transaction declined (i.e. insufficient limit, bad expiry date) |
100.-- | 110.-- | Referral (please contact Acquirer) |
110.-- | Card blocked (lost or stolen) |
Card Numbers
- The country codes in this table are listed in ISO Alpha-3 Code.
Type | Number | CVV | Country | Limit | 3D |
American Express | 375811111111115 | 1234 | CHE | Yes | No |
American Express | 375000000000007 | 1234 | DEU | No | Yes |
American Express | 375811111111123 | 1234 | CHE | No | No |
China UnionPay | 6222821234560017 | - | CHN | No | Yes |
China UnionPay | 6223164991230014 | - | CHN | No | No |
China UnionPay | 8100000000000002 | - | CHN | No | Yes |
Dankort | 5019994000124034 | 747 | DNK | No | - |
Diners | 36168002586009 | 123 | SLV | No | - |
Diners | 36167719110012 | 123 | CHE | No | - |
Discover | 6011420000000004 | 123 | USA | No | No |
JCB | 3569990010030442 | 123 | JPN | Yes | - |
JCB | 3569990010030400 | 123 | JPN | No | - |
Jelmoli | 60045110000000008 | 123 | No | - | |
Jelmoli | 60045110000000016 | Yes | |||
Maestro | 6759000000000018 | 123 | GBR | No | Yes |
Maestro | 6759000000000026 | 123 | GBR | Yes | Yes |
Mastercard | 5404000000000001 | 123 | RUS | Yes | Yes |
Mastercard | 5200000000000007 | 123 | MYS | No | No |
Mastercard | 5200000000000080 | 123 | MYS | No | Yes |
Mastercard | 5100000000000008 | 123 | CHE | No | No |
Mastercard | 5100000000000016 | 123 | CHE | No | Yes |
Mastercard Debit | 5500000000000004 | 123 | CHE | No | No |
MyOne | 6004520200668702072 | 123 | CHE | Yes | - |
UATP | 192072420096379 | - | |||
Visa | 4242424242424242 | 123 | GBR | Yes | No |
Visa | 4900000000000086 | 123 | USA | No | Yes |
Visa | 4900000000000003 | 123 | USA | No | Yes |
Visa | 4003600000000006 | 123 | CHE | No | No |
Visa | 4003600000000014 | 123 | CHE | No | Yes |
Visa - Debit | 4444090101010103 | 123 | USA | No | No |
Updated about 3 years ago