These docs are for v1.0.1. Click to read the latest docs for v2.1.0.

Process Overview

The following diagram shows a simplified flow of a possible checkout process with the Payment Page in Redirect mode using a credit card. Depending on your integration and payment method the flow might look different.

Merchant Server
Merchant Server
Merchant Website
Merchant Website
Customer clicks Pay
Customer clicks Pay
Payment Page loaded from Datatrans
Payment Page loaded from Datatrans
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Customer enters payment details
Customer enters payment details
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Invokes merchant POST URL (Webhook)
Invokes merchant POST URL (Webhook)
Receives payment result
Receives payment result
Redirects customer back to merchant
Redirects customer back to merchant
Performs authorisation
Performs authorisation
Customer gets redirected to merchant page
Customer gets redirected to merchant page
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The webhook call (4.1) can be configured to happen asynchronously. Alternatively it is also possible to wait for a response from 4.2 before the consumer gets redirected to the merchants webshop again. As a default, the webhook call happens synchronously. Contact us for more details on this topic.

Lifecycle of a transaction

For a complete list of possible transaction status please refer to:


Fore a more detailed description of all the available status codes check out the API Reference

Important parameters

During a transaction (no matter what kind of integration you choose) pay special attention to the following parameters.

Parameter nameExample valueDescription
merchantId1100004624The merchantId which is assigned when creating a test account.
refno13371337A unique reference number to identify your purchase.
uppTransactionId180507102102736128The transactionId returned in steps 4.1 and 6 (see diagram above). Save the transactionId in your database. It can be used later to invoke other APIs such as the Status API

What’s Next

Take a look at the payment processes.