Callback functions beeing invoked on certain Secure Field events.
Use the secureFields.on(...)
callback function to subscribe to one or more of the ready, change, error or validate events.
On ready event
The ready
event will be emitted once the iframes are loaded.
secureFields.on("ready", function() {
// setting a placholder for the cardNumber field
secureFields.setPlaceholder("cardNumber", "Card number");
// setting a placeholder for the CVV field
secureFields.setPlaceholder("cvv", "CVV");
On validate event
The validate
event will be emitted once the form was submitted with secureFields.submit();
secureFields.on("validate", function(event) {
// put a red border around the fields if they are not valid
secureFields.setStyle("cardNumber.invalid","border: 1px solid #f00");
secureFields.setStyle("cvv.invalid","border: 1px solid #f00");
Where the event
callback object has the following structure:
"fields": {
"cardNumber": {
"length": 0,
"valid": false,
"paymentMethod": "VIS" // card type
"cvv": {
"length": 3,
"valid": true
"hasErrors": true // indicates if one of the fields has valid=false
On success event
The success
event will be emitted if the tokenisation was successful.
secureFields.on("success", function(data) {
if(data.transactionId) {
// send data.transactionId and the
// rest of the form to your server
Where the event
callback object has the following structure:
"redirect":"url", // only if card/merchant is 3D enrolled
"brand":"VISA DEBIT",
"issuer":"Some Bank",
"type":"debit", // debit or credit
"distinction":"unknown", // consumer or corporate
On clear event
The clear
event will be emitted when the SecureFields.clear(fieldName)
function was used. For example for the cvv field:
$("#cvvClear").click(function () {
Where the event
callback object has the following structure:
"fields": {
"cardNumber": {
"length": 0,
"valid": false
"cvv": {
"length": 0,
"valid": false
"hasErrors": true,
"event": {
"field": "cvv",
"type": "clear"
On change event
The change
event will be emitted whenever one of the following events are getting triggered:
secureFields.on("change", function(event) {
// some fancy stuff
Where the event
callback object has the following structure:
"fields": {
"cardNumber": {
"length": 0,
"valid": false,
"paymentMethod": "VIS" // card type
"cvv": {
"length": 0,
"valid": false
"hasErrors": true,
"event": {
"field": "cardNumber", // the affected input field
"type": "blur" // the original event
On error event
The error event will be emitted if there was an error after calling secureFields.initPay(...)
Possible scenarios are:
- Wrong merchantId in secureFields.initPay()
- Wrong name of card number, CVV fields
- Wrong merchantId configuration on Datatrans side
Those errors should only occur during development/testing.
secureFields.on("error", function(data) {
// something bad happened
Updated almost 5 years ago