Payment Process | Integration | ||
Authorization | ✔️ | Payment Page | ✔️ |
Deferred Settlement | ❌ | Split Mode | ❌ |
Refund | ❌ | Mobile SDK | ❌ |
Cancel | ❌ | ||
Alias | ❌ |
So as to simplify payments for online products and services, the Dutch banks have developed the iDEAL method of payment. iDEAL allows online payments via online banking.
iDEAL is a standard method of payment for secure online payments directly between bank accounts. If you provide iDEAL in your webshop as a method of payment, a direct link to your bank is established. In other words, this connection to iDEAL enables every visitor to your website, who has access to the online banking at one of the participating banks, to handle his or her payment in this way. The basic requirement is a branch or the company’s headquarters in Holland.
Payment Method provider website 🔗
iDeal does not support a test enviornment
Web payment flow
Server to Server API calls
After a transactionId or alias was received by completing the payment flow on the web, the following server to server API calls can be used to do other actions.
Is only possible through the web interface.
Is not possible because it is a direct debit method
Can not be canceled since it is a direct debit method
Credit option not available
curl -v -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d @- << EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<statusService version="5">
<body merchantId="1000011011">
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<statusService version='5'>
<body merchantId='1000011011' status='accepted'>
<transaction trxStatus='response'>
<response itemNr='1'>
<responseMessage>Trx authentified</responseMessage>
<refno2>Testing purchase</refno2>
Updated over 4 years ago