Split Mode
The Split Mode combines the benefits of the Payment Page with an authorization via a stable server-to-server interface. This leads to a significant increase in process control with credit card payments. With this method the risk of faulty debiting is almost completely eliminated.
When using the Split Mode, the final authorization call happens via a secure server to server request. As already seen with the Secure Fields integration, the uppTransactionId
is used to 'finalize' a payment transaction with a call to the Split Authorization API Endpoint.
Merchant Setup
Before you get started with split payments, please contact our setup team at Datatrans and ask them to have your merchant-id setup for split processing.
Payment Page Setup
Set up your payment pages as described here. Once the setup of your payment page is ready and your merchant-id is configured to allow split processing the return URLs will return the required parameters to proceed with the finalization of the split. The return parameters will look as follows:
merchantId = 1100002469
currency = CHF
expm = 12
amount = 1000
reqtype = CAA
uppTransactionId = 180704121453549743
language = en
refno = 969522
theme = DT2015
pmethod = VIS
sign = 130930125157625194
expy = 18
status = success
Finalizing the Authorization
Send the uppTransactionId
together will all required data to our server with a call to the Split Authorization API Endpoint.
curl -v -X POST https://api.sandbox.datatrans.com/upp/jsp/XML_authorizeSplit.jsp \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d @- << EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<authorizationSplit version="4">
<body merchantId="1100002469">
<transaction refno="969522">
<authorizationSplit version="4">
<body merchantId="1100002469" status="accepted">
<transaction refno="757181" trxStatus="response">
Updated over 4 years ago