Initialization and Styling
Using Secure Fields leaves you complete control over the styling of your payment form. The card number and CVV fields can be styled individually. For example:
var secureFields = new SecureFields();
var styles = {
// set style to all elements, JSON accepted too
"*": "border: 2px solid black;
background-color: blue; padding: .65em .5em",
// or with JSON
//'*': {
// border: '2px solid black',
// padding: '.65em .5em'
// backgroundColor: 'blue', // background-color
// backgroundImage: 'none', // background-image
// boxSizing: 'border-box', // box-sizing
// WebkitBoxShadow: 'none', // -webkit-box-shadow
// WebkitAppearance: 'none' // -webkit-appearance
// ::hover on all elements
"*::hover": "-webkit-box-shadow: none;
-ms-box-shadow: none; -moz-appearance: none; ",
// set style to one of the elements
cardNumber: "font-weight: bold;",
cvv: "color: green;",
// setting style based on CSS classes (see 'Toggled classes')
"cardNumber.valid:hover": "background-color: green;",
"cardNumber.invalid:hover": "background-color: red;",
// pseudoselectors
'*:focus': 'border: 1px solid #66AFE9',
'*:hover': 'border: 1px solid #66AFE9',
'*::placeholder': 'color: #999999',
'*:-ms-input-placeholder': 'color: #999999' // thanks MS :(
"your merchantId", {
cardNumber: "cardNumberPlaceholder",
cvv: "cvvPlaceholder"
styles: styles,
focus: "cardNumber" // or secureFields.focus("cardNumber");
Dynamic styling
The individual fields can also be styled dynamically:
// the card number field
secureFields.setStyle("cardNumber", "border: 1px solid #ccc");
// the CVV field
secureFields.setStyle("cvv", "border: 1px solid #ccc")
Toggled CSS classes
The Secure Fields automatically toggles CSS classes on the input fields based on various user input. For example use "cardNumber.valid:hover": "background-color: green;"
to apply different style based classes.
Class name | Description |
valid | When the field contains valid input. |
invalid | When the field contains invalid input. For example a wrong card number or CVV Code. |
empty | When the field is empty. |
identified | When a supported brand (for example Visa or Mastercard) was detected when typing in the card number field. |
Advanced initialization
The initPay / initRegister function allows to set the input type, placeholder value and which field to be focused right from the beginning. The (random) example from below ensures the following:
- The CVV field gets initial focus
- The CVV field's input type gets set to tel
- The placeholder value will be
enter your cvv
cardNumber: "cardNumberPlaceholder",
cvv: {
placeholderElementId: "cvvPlaceholder",
inputType: "tel",
placeholder: "enter your cvv"
styles: styles,
focus: "cvv"
Setting up payment methods
By default all credit cards available in your merchant setup will be accepted. Use the paymentMethods option if there's a need to accept only a subset of card types
cardNumber: "cardNumberPlaceholder",
cvv: "cvvPlaceholder"
styles: styles,
paymentMethods: ["ECA", "VIS"] // allowing MC and Visa only
Supported payment methods are: VIS, ECA, AMX, DIN, DIS, JCB, ELO, CUP
Web fonts
Web fonts are supported via the standard @font-face CSS rule. Because of security concerns it is not permitted to link external resources. So, in order to get custom fonts, you need to:
- Contact and provide the font files (woff, woof2, ttf etc). The files will be uploaded into your merchant id hosted files space.
- Reference the font files, by name (no path) in the styles section of the
var styles = {
// setting the font-family to both fields
"*": "font-family: Metamorphous;",
"@font-face": {
"*": {
fontFamily: "Metamorphous",
fontStyle: "normal",
fontWeight: 400,
src: "url('metamorphous.woff2') format('woff2')"
Updated almost 5 years ago